Here are a couple of pictures of a rose that has bloomed. It is the only varigated one that I have, don't know what it is called, all my rose bushes were planted long before we moved here, so if anyone out there has any idea's let me know please. :) I think it is a miniature rose but again not sure on that. My bushes don't look to good, they don't have to many leaves on the bushes, they are still blooming a little but not as much as they were. Last spring was a very wet one and was told by someone that they got what I think is called water spot. I am not sure how to fix that, any idea's that would help too. :) I am new to all this gardening stuff, so everything I do is a learning experience. But I have had fun none the lesss. Thanks for looking.
Very pretty! I have no gardening ability at all so I always appreciate what others can do.
Beautiful Rose Jules! Do you trim the rose after it dies? Bill cut them off at the 2nd 5 leaf on the stem. The roses only bloom on new wood so you have to cut them off so that they will bloom some more. Make sense?
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